Refund and returns policy

Peddlers avenue refund and returns policy

Thank you for shopping at Peddlers Avenue. We strive to provide you with the best products and services. Please read our refund and returns policy carefully.

  1. All Sales Are Final: We want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. However, please note that all sales are final. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept returns or exchanges at this time.

  2. Order Cancellation: Once you have completed your purchase, orders cannot be cancelled. We recommend contacting us with any questions or concerns before making your online purchase. Our team is here to assist you and ensure that you make an informed decision.

  3. Refunds for Special Circumstances: In exceptional cases, if you qualify for a refund, we will issue the refund to your original method of payment. A refund receipt will be emailed to the address used for the original purchase. Please note,  processing times may vary depending on the original payment method and your card issuer.

 We understand that you may have questions or need help with returns or refunds. Please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will address your concerns. We appreciate your understanding of our refund and returns policy. Thank you for choosing Peddlers Avenue!

Peddlers Avenue reserve the right to modify or update this policy at any time without prior notice.